
This is the new Año Nuevo Reserve research/teaching database. The goals are to:

    • Efficiently keep track of all approved research projects and teaching activities

    • Maintain a digital list of approved researchers with relevant contact information

    • Easily log visits to the reserve to allow the State Park to monitor current activities and the Reserve to track usage.

    • Easily identify people that do not have appropriate permission.

Click here to sign-in for a research/teaching visit

Click here to view the current activity log

Please remember that all research projects conducted at Año Nuevo Reserve must receive prior authorization and all researchers/volunteers must be added to the research list after completing appropriate training/paperwork. At a minimum, everyone visiting the Año Nuevo Reserve must complete this liability waiver (for non-UC projects) or this worker's compensation form (for UC projects).

PLEASE NOTE: all visitors must be cleared by the UC Santa Cruz daily COVID19 symptom checker. Please visit this website for instructions: